============================== Igor, your personal IoT butler ============================== This documentation was generated for Igor version |release| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: overview install setup administration std-plugins/readme programs modules rest schema capabilities plugin-structure implementation Getting started =============== First read the :doc:`overview` to get a feeling for what Igor does, how it does it and whether this fits your needs. Also check the :doc:`available standard plugins ` to check for which devices and services plugins are available, and that these match the things you want to use Igor for. Then read the documentation on :doc:`installing the software ` and install the Igor software. Next you should check :doc:`setup` which will tell you how to initialize your database, with the various options you want (mainly to do with security and access control). Then :doc:`administration` and :doc:`programs` will show you how to use Igor in normal operation. To interface between Igor and other applications or services you should check the :doc:`programs` documentation for interfacing to shell scripts, :doc:`modules` for interfacing to Python programs and :doc:`rest` for interfacing to REST services. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`