# buienradar - buienradar.nl plugin Stores rain forecast for the coming hour, from data provided by [buienradar.nl](http://buienradar.nl). ## requirements GPS location in `environmnt/location` is used to get rain forecast data, and this location must probably be in the Netherlands. ## schema * `sensors/buienradar/lastupdate`: timestamp of last update. * `sensors/buienradar/data`: one 5-minute rain forecast. Multiple elements can exist, they should be ordered temporally. Fields: * `mm`: amount of rain expected, in millimeters (float) * `level`: logarithmic value of above, see buienradar API for details (integer) * `time`: date and time for which this measurement is valid (isotime) * `hour`: hour of `time` (int) * `minute`: minute of `time` (int) * `plugindata/buienradar`: GPS location for which to present forecast. ## actions Three actions: * Use buienradar.nl API to fill `sensors/buienradar` every 5 minutes. * Copy `environment/location/lon` to `plugindata/buienradar/lon` on Igor start and whenever it changes. * Copy `environment/location/lat` to `plugindata/buienradar/lat` on Igor start and whenever it changes.