kaku - control KlikAanKlikUit devices

Turns lights (or other devices) on and off using a KlikAanKlikUit device. Should be fairly easy to adapt for other vendors, as long as a computer-connectable controller exists.


  • A KAKU USB controller (and some KAKU outlets)
  • The KAKU helper program from ../../helpers/kaku, which in turn requires pyusb.


  • environment/switch: Contains boolean elements stating which switches should be on and off.
  • plugindata/kaku/host: the hostname or IP address to wich the USB controller is connected, and on which the helper program should be installed (string, default localhost). Must be reachable with ssh without password.
  • plugindata/kaku/switch: Entry mapping switch names to ids. Can occur multiple times:
    • name: human readable name (string).
    • id: KAKU switch number (integer).


Whenever the value of any element in environment/lights changes the element name is looked up on plugindata/kaku/switch and the corresponding switch is turned on or off.