passiveSensor - get sensor readings via REST

This plugin periodically polls a REST endpoint and saves the resulting readings in the Igor database.

As distributed it will read sensor data from BLE sensors, using the same REST service as the BLE plugin, but using different endpoints. For each sensor the most recent reading is remembered.

Currently the BLE server supports the following sensors:

  • nearable: devices supporting the Estimote Nearable protocol.
  • ibeacon: devices supporting the iBeacon protocol originally developed by Apple but now supported by many beacon vendors.
  • cwi_sensortag: Texas Instrument CC2650 SensorTag devices running the CWI-DIS firmware (link to be provided later).

The intention is to install this plugin not under its standard name, but under the name of the sensor type (such as ibeacon or nearable). Sensors are identified by UUID, or BLE Mac address for cwi_sensortag.


Only tested on a Raspberry PI with an external Bluetooth LE USB dongle and the Bluez bluetooth stack.

Requires the bleServer, see ../../../helpers.


  • sensors/passiveSensor/lastActivity: Time of the last reply of the REST service.
  • sensors/passiveSensor/_name_Device: Occurs once per name-type sensor. Contains information such as uuid or address and all data the sensor advertises (temperature, accelerometer, rss, etc).
  • status/devices/passiveSensor: Device status updated on every action.
  • plugindata/passiveSensor:
    • protocol: Usually http or https.
    • host: where the REST service runs, usually localhost.
    • port: which port the REST service runs on.
    • endpoint: Rest of the REST URL after the initial /.


One action:

  • Pull data from the REST server into sensors/passiveSensor every 2 seconds.