Rest entry points

The Igor HTTP or HTTPS server has the following REST entrypoints:


Accesses data elements. GET, PUT, POST and DELETE allowed. The argument is technically an XPath expression that should resolve to a single element (but see below). Data can be provided with mimetypes application/xml, application/json or text/plain.

Query parameters:

  • .VARIANT can be used to get data slightly different:
    • multi to get allow getting multiple elements (normally multiple elements matching the expression is considered an error, except for text/plain when the values are concatenated)
    • raw will also include namespaced elements and attributes. These are used for internal administration and usually not returned.
    • multiraw combines multi and raw behaviour.
    • ref to get an XPath for the resulting objects.
  • .METHOD convenience parameter for debugging with the browser. a GET request with .METHOD=DELETE will do a DELETE operation.


Evaluate an XPath expression that can return any XPath expression value. GET only.


Get static or template web pages or other files. GET only. Returns static data from the static directory or an interpolated Jinja2 template from the template directory. Parameters are passed to the template.


Trigger a named action. GET only.


Trigger a named plugin action. GET only. The first field is the plugin name. The second field is the action name, which is looked up in /data/plugindata/pluginname.


Run a plugin. GET only. First field is the plugin name, optional second field is the method of the plugin to call (default index). Query parameters are passed to the Python method as named arguments. Plugin data from /data/plugindata/_name_ is made available to the plugin factory function, and if a user query parameter is present Igor will add a userData argument containing the data from /data/identities/_user_/plugindata/_name_ (as a Python dictionary).


Retrieve a plugin UI (user interface) page. The template page is looked up inside the plugin directory and rendered through Jinja2. Query parameters are passed to the template. Plugin data is available as above.


Run a plugin script. GET only. First argument is the plugin name, second argument is the script name. The script is obtained from file /plugins/_name_/scripts/

query parameters are passed to the script as environment variables, with igor_ prepended to the query parameter name. Per-plugin data and optional per-user data (as for /plugin) is combined into an igor_pluginData environment variable with has all the data in JSON encoded form. The plugin script has access to the plugin capability set, valid for a single call to the database (through igorVar) via a one-time-password mechanism.


Helper for logging in and out with a browser session.


Helper for running internal commands such as save, restart or updateStatus.